Hey there, I'm Joel. I'm a Seattle based artist working on graphic design, illustration, animation, videography, music, and writing. I'm an alumni of the graphic design program at the Seattle Central Creative Academy. Prior to that I received a BA from UW - Milwaukee, majoring in cultural anthropology with a minor in art history. So yeah, I'm creative and nerdy.

Early inspiration came from cartoons and video games. Nicktoons and Nintendo had me drawing my own interpretations. By adolescence music took hold of me and never let go. Punk and heavy metal especially hit hard in those teen years. Album art, merchandise, and memorabilia are major design influences to this day. Whether its a splattered death metal logo or some chic typographic layout on a classic jazz album, I'm here for it.

It was also in my adolescence I saw my first pieces of modern art in person on a field trip to the Milwaukee Art Museum. Paintings of abstract forms by Kandinsky, Stuart Davis, and Georgia O'Keefe changed how I conceived art. "Zeta" of the Unfurled Paintings by Morris Louis especially struck me with its minimalism, its simplistic genius.

Throw in some anime, manga, the psychedelic sci-fi comics of Druillet and Moebius, Lovecraft and all things Eldritch, and you've got the main ingredients of the creative stew brewing inside my skull.

Pursuits of passion aside from art and design include making noise and new age music under the guises of Shattered Man and Feral Fields respectively, hitting up the record store, laying in my hammock down by the lake, and enjoying nature in all its splendid glory.